Dear MCMF Members,
Our sincere thanks for making the 2024 MCMF Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on 12/14/24, a success! A very special thanks to the members attending in person despite severe weather forecasts. It was a vibrant meeting with reports and updates by MCMF BOD members and Project Leads, participants' contributions, and the Q&A session. CONGRATULATIONS for electing candidates for the four expiring BOD positions!
Your participation in the AGM inspires the MCMF management to continue its efforts in fulfilling the MCMF mission to 'Create a hunger-free and hate-free society.' Our flagship programs are: food distribution to 300-400 families per month, Senior Social and Well-being all year round, Youth Development all year round, Vocational Training & Development, and Holiday Gifts (Ramadan, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). MCMF programs have been recognized by the county and state officials.
We gratefully acknowledge your contributions, and invite you to donate generously to support and further enhance MCMF work. MCMF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt institution and your donations to MCMF are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Happy Holidays and Best Regards,
Sultan Chowdhury, Chairman, MCMF, 240-476-1351
You may consider 2024 charitable donations via one of the following means.
Checks: Payable to MCMF, 11 Park Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
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